Proof of Knowledge
This Julia code example demonstrates the implementation of a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge (NIZKPoK) for the discrete logarithm problem. The code showcases how to prove knowledge of an exponent $x$ for a given $y = g^x$ without revealing the secret $x$ itself, using group-agnostic methods.
The implementation provides both simple proof by disclosure and a more secure non-interactive zero-knowledge proof, along with their corresponding verification functions. By leveraging Julia's multiple dispatch and parametric types, the code is designed to work with any abstract group Group
, making it flexible and applicable to various cryptographic settings. For demonstration we use P-192 elliptic curve group, but the core functions are written to be compatible with any group provided by CryptoGroups.
using Test
using CryptoGroups
using CryptoGroups.Utils: int2octet
using CryptoPRG: HashSpec, Verificatum
verify(g::G, y::G, x::Integer) where G <: Group = g^x == y # proof by disclousure
function challenge(g::G, y::G, R::G) where G <: Group
# the encoding is deserializable as `octet` returns fixed length output that depends on unerlying group
# nevertheless it is recommended to use a proper canoncial encoding for this purpose which we shall skip
prg = Verificatum.PRG(HashSpec("sha256"), [octet(g)..., octet(y)..., octet(R)...])
return rand(prg, 2:order(G) - 1)
function prove(g::G, y::G, x::Integer) where G <: Group
# we can construct proof deterministically without relying on randomness source
prg = Verificatum.PRG(HashSpec("sha256"), [octet(y)..., int2octet(x)...])
r = rand(prg, 2:order(G) - 1)
R = g^r
c = challenge(g, y, R)
s = (r + c * x) % order(G)
return R, s
function verify(g::G, y::G, R::G, s::Integer) where G <: Group
c = challenge(g, y, R)
return g^s == R * y^c
g = @ECGroup{P_192}()
x = 21
y = g^x
@test verify(g, y, x)
proof = prove(g, y, x)
@test verify(g, y, proof...)
Test Passed
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