Key Encpsulation Mechanism

A Key Encapsulation Mechanims allows (KEM) is a widelly used techinque to assymetrically encrypt messages that only recepient with knowledge of it's secret key can decrypt. In it's essence it is a Diffie-Hellman key computation where the secret key is used to encrypt the message with a symmetric cypher. With CryptoGroups we can write the key computation in a group agnostic way by defining three functions:

  1. keygen: Generates a private-public key pair;
  2. encap: Encapsulates a shared secret key using the recipient's public key;
  3. decap: Decapsulates the shared secret key using the recipient's private key.

At the end of the code we demonstrate how the code can be used with P-192 curve and verify that the derived keys match. Notice that methods are defined in a group agnostic way. Together with symmetric primitives defined in Nettle.jl this can be an excellent starting point for implementing some assymetric encryption specifications in Julia.

using Test
using CryptoGroups
using Random: RandomDevice

function keygen(g::Group)

    sk = rand(RandomDevice(), 2:order(g) - 1)
    pk = octet(g^sk)

    return sk, pk

function encap(g::G, pk::Vector{UInt8}) where G <: Group

    y = G(pk)

    r = rand(RandomDevice(), 2:order(G) - 1)
    t = y^r
    k = octet(t) # further hashing recomended
    c = g^r

    return k, c

function decap(c::Group, sk::Integer)

    t = c^sk
    k = octet(t)

    return k

g = @ECGroup{P_192}()
sk, pk = keygen(g)

k, c = encap(g, pk)

k′ = decap(c, sk)

@test k′ == k
Test Passed

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