Digital Signature Algorithm
This Julia code demonstrates a group-agnostic implementation of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), a widely used standard for message authentication. The implementation defines three key functions: keygen for key generation, sign for creating signatures, and verify for signature verification. While it omits the message hashing step for simplicity, the code adheres to FIPS 186-4 compliance, with safety checks integrated into the group element constructors.
The implementation is designed to work with any abstract group, showcasing Julia's multiple dispatch capabilities and allowing for flexibility across different cryptographic settings. To illustrate its functionality, the code includes a test case using the P-192 elliptic curve group. This example serves as a foundational demonstration of DSA and is foundation of CryptoSignatures.jl which offers extensive test suite and uses deterministic randomness for $k$ generation.
using Test
using CryptoGroups
using CryptoGroups.Utils: @check
using Random: RandomDevice
struct DSA
function keygen(g::Group)
sk = rand(RandomDevice(), 2:order(g) - 1)
pk = octet(g^sk)
return sk, pk
function sign(e::Integer, g::Group, sk::Integer)
n = order(g)
k = rand(RandomDevice(), 2:order(g) - 1)
R = g^k
r = R % n
s = invmod(k, n) * (e + sk * r) % n
if r == 0 || s == 0
return sign(e, g, sk)
return DSA(r, s)
function verify(e::Integer, P::G, pk::Vector{UInt8}, sig::DSA) where {G <: Group}
n = order(G)
(; r, s) = sig
@check 1 < r < n - 1
@check 1 < s < n - 1
Q = G(pk)
c = invmod(s, n)
u₁ = e * c % n
u₂ = r * c % n
# Special cases must be handled by the developer
if u₁ == 0
W = Q ^ u₂
elseif u₂ == 0
W = P ^ u₁
W = P ^ u₁ * Q ^ u₂
ν = W % n
return ν == r
g = @ECGroup{P_192}()
sk, pk = keygen(g)
m = 42
sig = sign(m, g, sk)
@test verify(m, g, pk, sig)
Test Passed
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